
Why Our Projects Succeed
We achieve successful outcomes because we:
Target the issues that matter most:
Focus on the issues that will deliver the widest ongoing benefits.
Apply public and private sector knowledge:
Ensure public good is achieved through affordable solutions which have market acceptance.
Combine creative and analytical processes:
Ensure creativity and innovation are supported by a rational, deliverable framework of thinking.
Seek win-win outcomes:
Resolve competing objectives (social, cultural, environmental and economic issues). Ensure every dollar spent achieves multiple benefits.
Apply evidence-based practices:
Use well tested analytical techniques to gain a detailed understanding of how towns, cities, districts and regions currently function. Then we discover how their performance can be enhanced.
Connect with the people who matter:
Identify those people who are most affected by the project and those most critical to its delivery. Don’t avoid certain players just because it is difficult.
Address technical issues with rigour:
Ensure local knowledge is consulted. Apply practical experience and involve additional expertise when required. Avoid untested and unachievable ideas.
1/2 Day Diagnostic Clinic
A working session to determine which critical sustainability, planning, urban design, policy and resourcing issues face your council and how they can be effectively addressed.
1 Day Live Project Clinic
A clinic solely based on current or up-coming council projects. Learning is combined with on-the-spot expert advice. Projects are moved forward while staff capabilities grow.
1 Day 1 Issue Workshop
A focused problem-solving workshop with key council staff to address a particular or complex design, planning or process problem
Transport and Infrastructure Strategies
A mid-sized process involving a 2-4 day workshop. It delivers a coordinated strategy that reconciles functional transport needs with social, environmental and economic objectives.
Town and City Centre Strategies
An intensive precinct-based process which includes a 3-4 day workshop to deliver a fully integrated city centre or town centre revitalisation strategy and implementation plan.
Growth Strategies
An intensive area-based process including at least one 3-4 day workshop to deliver a fully integrated growth plan for a city, town or sub-region
Staff Skills Development
Specialised training for groups/individuals on delivering affordable and sustainable urban planning, infrastructure, intensification and regeneration with half, full or 2 day options.