Enriching our Transport-specific Urban Design portfolio
Our role as urban advisors to the Auckland Light Rail project adds to our depth of understanding of transport-specific urban design. The ALR will be partially tunnelled and have 18 stations. It will form the backbone of a city-wide transport network that will reach from Albany to the airport and from Westgate to Botany in the East. Public transport will be revolutionized. It will enable 66,000 additional houses and 97,000 new jobs. In the long term 980,000 tonnes of carbon will be saved.
This appointment comes on top of other significant transport related urban projects. These include Auckland’s Transport for Future Urban Growth, the East West Arterial Link and the Auckland Regional Arterial Road Plan. We also led a series of integration workshops for the Hamilton to Auckland Passenger Rail Strategy.
Reconciling transport and urban objectives have featured strongly in all our growth planning work around New Zealand, Australia and in the UAE.
We have delivered training for mid-career professionals as well as lectures into the ‘Next Generation Transport’ international online course which is run by the Cities Unit at Simon Fraser University. Vancouver. We have published on the topic and received a number of awards.